In the lead-up to the launch of BOLD in Serbia, the U.S. Embassy partnered with the Chicago-based Prismatic organization and Serbian NGO Young Ambassadors to select 30 young leaders from across the country for a leadership workshop. In 5 intense days of training on project development and management, social emotional learning, and leadership skills, the participants developed group project proposals to be pitched in a live competition for up to $5000 of grant funding at the launch event. This pilot workshop for the BOLD program was a model for other future workshops and way for the new BOLD program to attract members. The young leaders shared their idea to a packed audience of over 400 people at Dom Omladine Beograda and also to hundreds more through live streaming in American Corners in Nis, Novi Sad, Bujanovac, Novi Pazar, Subotica, and Novi Sad. BOLD Serbia will share their project proposals on its Instagram & Facebook pages to make these great ideas accessible to all. If there are other young people in Serbia wondering if they have what it takes to try to make a difference in their community, they should watch these trailblazers in the BOLD program and follow their lead. Future BOLD workshops like this will be focused on one of the two themes of the program – civic engagement and economic development.